The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Tourism and Travel (also known as the ESNNA Code) is an international tool designed to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the context of tourism and transportation. It was launched by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with other international entities such as UNICEF and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The ESNNA Code is based on the premise that child sexual exploitation is a severe human rights violation and a form of abuse that primarily affects vulnerable minors, such as those involved in tourism-related activities.

Approach and Principles:

  1. Protection of children’s rights: The Code aims to ensure that children’s rights are respected in all tourism and transportation contexts, guaranteeing their protection from sexual exploitation.
  2. Prevention: It serves as a tool to raise awareness and train stakeholders in the tourism sector (hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, etc.) about the risks of child sexual exploitation.
  3. Institutional and corporate commitment: Businesses adopting this Code commit to implementing internal policies to prevent child sexual exploitation, training their staff, and cooperating with authorities and organizations responsible for child protection.

Key Elements:

  • Adoption of clear policies: Companies that join the ESNNA Code adopt a clear zero-tolerance policy toward the sexual exploitation of minors.
  • Ongoing training: Training programs are provided so that employees in the sector can identify signs of abuse and understand how to report it.
  • Reporting and collaboration: Companies commit to reporting any suspicious situations to the relevant authorities and cooperating with government and international efforts to eradicate the crime.
  • Evaluation and monitoring: Companies are required to ensure continuous monitoring to assess the effectiveness of the policies implemented and make adjustments when necessary.


The main purpose of the ESNNA Code is to eliminate child sexual exploitation in tourism and transportation by involving both society and public and private institutions in the protection of minors. This effort aligns with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that states have the responsibility to protect children from all forms of exploitation, including sexual exploitation.

In summary, the ESNNA Code seeks to create a safe and responsible environment in the tourism and transportation industries to prevent the exploitation of minors and protect their well-being and development.

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